Josh Thompson     about     projects     blog     ☕️ with josh

Tags in Blog

4 hour chef #

First five meals from The 4-Hour Chef 08 Jul 2013

academic_literature #

Structural Holes and Good Ideas 18 Mar 2021

academic_paper #

The Violence of God and the Hermeneutics of Paul 08 Aug 2021
Driven by Compression Progress 18 Feb 2021

affordability #

Issues related to the city of Golden 26 Jul 2021

anki #

Anki and Memorization with Spaced Repetition Software 06 Jun 2017
On Learning 05 Jun 2017

annual_review #

2019 Annual Review 31 Jan 2020
2018 In Review & Thoughts on 2019 05 May 2019
2017 In Review & Thoughts on 2018 01 Jan 2018
2016 - Biggest Lesson, Most Dangerous Books 11 Jan 2017
2015: The year I didn't think much? 23 Jan 2016

argentina #

Five Lessons Learned in Buenos Aires 05 Jul 2016

arguments #

Rules for Fighting Fair 18 Jul 2013

background_jobs #

Sidekiq and Background Jobs for Beginners 30 Jul 2018

bash #

Change your MAC address with a shell script 18 Dec 2019
My terminal setup 26 Dec 2017

belaying #

Climbing in "decking range" 07 Jun 2013

benchmarking #

LeetCode: Words From Characters, and Benchmarking Solutions 23 Aug 2019

blogging #

Switching to Jekyll 15 May 2017
Type. Publish. Done. 22 Jul 2015

book review #

The Millionaire Next Door 04 Jul 2016
Gratitude 3x/day 01 Jun 2016
The Slight Edge, and why you should read it 11 May 2016

books #

Notes from 'Why We Sleep' 13 Sep 2019
Book Notes: 'Why We Get Fat' by Gary Taube 13 Aug 2019
Book Notes: 'The Case Against Sugar' by Gary Taube 12 Aug 2019
2018 Reading Review & Recommendations 25 Feb 2019
Recommended Reading 17 May 2018
Recommended books from 2017 15 Jan 2018
2016 - Biggest Lesson, Most Dangerous Books 11 Jan 2017
Resources for People with Jobs 21 Jul 2016
The Millionaire Next Door 04 Jul 2016
Gratitude 3x/day 01 Jun 2016
OK, some new books 23 May 2016
No New Books 22 May 2016
The Slight Edge, and why you should read it 11 May 2016
Everything I Do and Think I've Read in a Book (or, exploring the relationship between books and money) 31 Mar 2016

boredom #

Cultivate Curiosity, or 'Reasons to be More Childlike' 25 Dec 2017

breakfast #

"Cooking" is so much more 12 Jul 2014

career #

How To Write A Letter of Recommendation for Yourself 06 Aug 2020
Growing in your first software development job 28 Nov 2018
Career advice for Millenials. (ugh. I hate this title) 25 May 2016
I Once Worked Hard 12 Apr 2013

chromebook #

A Runbook for Upgrading Your Parent's Junky Old Laptop to a Chromebook 20 Jul 2020

cities #

Collateralizing Mortgages and Loans With the Present Value of Rent Flow 02 Oct 2021
Planned Unit Design Document (work-in-progress) 01 Oct 2021
Issues related to the city of Golden 26 Jul 2021

climbing #

Climbing in Cuba, 2019 12 Apr 2019
October 2016 Review 01 Nov 2016
October 2016 Goals 19 Oct 2016
On Boldness In Climbing 29 May 2016
An announcement, and a teaser (for you rock climbers) 28 May 2016
Trip Report: New River Gorge 13 Sep 2015
"A delicate mix of chess... and bear wrestling" 02 Nov 2014
Can You Recover From Months (YEARS!) of Not Climbing? 20 Oct 2014
Letter to Two Climbers (Part 2) 18 Oct 2014
Letter to Two Climbers (Part 1) 12 Oct 2014
Why Your Belayer is Keeping You from Climbing Hard(er) 01 Oct 2014
Three Levels of Competence 29 Sep 2014
Don't Focus on the Present 27 Sep 2014
Injury Impedes Improvement 24 Sep 2014
June trip to the New River Gorge 03 Jul 2013
Climbing in "decking range" 07 Jun 2013
Training for climbing (progress update) 03 Jun 2013
Habits, Milestones, and Climbing 01 May 2013

clothing #

Winter on Two Pairs of Socks 23 Jul 2014

clutter #

How To Take Back Your Attention On The Internet with uBlock 21 Jan 2018
Simplify, simplify, simplify 04 Jul 2013

code_challenge #

LeetCode: Words From Characters, and Benchmarking Solutions 23 Aug 2019

colemak #

Taking the Plunge with Colemak 25 Jul 2014
Focus: One Thing at a Time 25 Jul 2014
STOP YELLING ON THE INTERNET, or, A Better Use for the Caps Lock Key 16 Jul 2014
Learn to Type - Again 16 Jul 2014
Typing in Colemac 2.0 11 Jul 2014

college #

A message for high schoolers 05 Jun 2016

colorado #

Corollas and U-Hauls 05 Jul 2014

comfort zone #

Hidden Damages of the Introvert vs. Extrovert "debate" 22 Jul 2014
Act a Fool, or: Motion vs. Action 16 Mar 2014

compression #

Structural Holes and Good Ideas 18 Mar 2021
Driven by Compression Progress 18 Feb 2021

concepts #

Write It Now 05 Oct 2021

conceptual-framework #

About Roundabouts 05 Mar 2022
Write It Now 05 Oct 2021

cooking #

"Cooking" is so much more 12 Jul 2014
A Five-Hour Experiment 09 Jul 2014
Why I Eat Bacon Every Day (And You Should Too) 08 Apr 2014
Fry Your Pizza 04 Apr 2014
Crock Pots are Foolproof, Right? 10 Jul 2013
First five meals from The 4-Hour Chef 08 Jul 2013

covid #

My Thoughts on Eric Weinstein's Thoughts on Pia Kalani's Thoughts 06 Aug 2020

criticism #

Do Not Work in Isolation 29 Oct 2014

curiosity #

Cultivate Curiosity, or 'Reasons to be More Childlike' 25 Dec 2017
Quitting the shallow for the deep 24 Oct 2016

customer success #

Customer Success: American Airlines Case Study 04 Jun 2016
Success is not support 03 Jun 2016
An Intro to Customer Success 31 May 2016

d3 #

Tour of D3 for Clueless Folk Like Me 19 Apr 2017

data_dog #

How to Run Your Rails App in Profiling Mode 29 Jul 2019
Setting up Application Performance Monitoring in DataDog in your Rails App 28 Jul 2019

databases #

MySQL concatenation and casting 13 Jan 2018
Setting up for 'SQL Queries for Mere Mortals' 22 Dec 2017

decision making #

The Present You 12 Jul 2014

decorating #

$150 Custom-Made Standing Desk 30 Jul 2014

deliberate_practice #

Deliberate Practice in Programming with Avdi Grimm and the Rake gem 21 Jun 2019

deprecation_warnings #

Aggregate and deduplicate your deprecation warnings in Rails 03 Oct 2019

depression #

Depression 28 Jul 2021

design_patterns #

POODR Notes: Acquiring Behavior Through Inheritance (Chapter 6) 28 Nov 2019

diy #

$150 Custom-Made Standing Desk 30 Jul 2014

driving #

Avoid a car accident with a $3 tool 04 Jul 2016

elixir #

Elixir/Phoenix part deux 28 Oct 2017
First pass with Elixir/Phoenix 27 Oct 2017

emotional intelligence #

Tiny Habits take 2 27 Jul 2014

eric-weinstein #

My Thoughts on Eric Weinstein's Thoughts on Pia Kalani's Thoughts 06 Aug 2020

exercise #

Daily Exercise - Russian Kettlebells 09 May 2013
Habits, Milestones, and Climbing 01 May 2013
Preparing to adopt a habit 15 Apr 2013

exercism #

Metaprogramming in Ruby: method_missing 24 Sep 2017

family #

Corollas and U-Hauls 05 Jul 2014

fear #

Limitations of My Own Thinking 05 Nov 2015
"A delicate mix of chess... and bear wrestling" 02 Nov 2014
Do Not Work in Isolation 29 Oct 2014

fighting #

Rules for Fighting Fair 18 Jul 2013

finance #

Josh Thompson presentation to Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 29 Mar 2021

finances #

Find out how much money you've made (in your entire life) 12 May 2016
Thoughts on Money from 2013 29 Jan 2016

financial_products #

A New Old Financial Product 06 Mar 2022

firefox #

MacOS: Keyboard Shortcut to Toggle Bookmarks Bar in Firefox 15 Feb 2018

flying #

How to fly… like a boss 07 Oct 2013

git #

VCR's debug_logger and `git diff` 19 Apr 2019

goal setting #

Maybe "Now" Is Not the Right Time 19 Jul 2015
Tiny Habits take 2 27 Jul 2014
Illdefined Success is Unattainable 08 Jul 2014

goals #

How To Take Back Your Attention On The Internet with uBlock 21 Jan 2018
On Friction 20 Dec 2017
December 2016 Goals 20 Dec 2016
November 2016 Review 14 Dec 2016
November 2016 Goals 09 Nov 2016
October 2016 Review 01 Nov 2016
Quitting the shallow for the deep 24 Oct 2016
October 2016 Goals 19 Oct 2016
Lay a foundation 20 May 2016
The advantage of low friction goals 19 May 2016
Give it 30 days 16 May 2016
Piece by Piece 25 Jul 2015
Do Not Work in Isolation 29 Oct 2014
A Five-Hour Experiment 09 Jul 2014
Illdefined Success is Unattainable 08 Jul 2014
The Power of an Audacious Goal 06 Jul 2014
Habits Take Preparation 03 Jul 2014
Lifestyle Design (AKA Intentional Habit Building) 03 May 2013

golden #

Things That Are Surprisingly Good For The Cost (AKA How I want to build my tiny house) 11 Mar 2022
Bootstrapping streetcars in Golden 10 Mar 2022
Fixing Ford and Washington 09 Mar 2022
A New Old Financial Product 06 Mar 2022
About Roundabouts 05 Mar 2022
Collateralizing Mortgages and Loans With the Present Value of Rent Flow 02 Oct 2021
Planned Unit Design Document (work-in-progress) 01 Oct 2021
Parking in Golden 22 Aug 2021
The Housing Market Is Absolutely Insane: How To Fix It 23 Feb 2021

gratitude #

Gratitude 3x/day 01 Jun 2016

grow #

Who inspires you, and is still alive? 24 May 2016

growth #

Growing in your first software development job 28 Nov 2018
12 Lessons Learned While Publishing Something Every Day for a Month 05 Jun 2016
Social skills are like any other skills 27 May 2016
Twenties vs. Thirties (from a feeling-behind-the-curve 27 year old.) 08 May 2016

guest_post #

Cultivate the Skill of Undivided Attention, or 'Deep Work' (Crosspost from ``) 20 Aug 2020

guide #

How I take notes, AKA 'Add an Index to Your Notebook' 04 Sep 2019
Climbing in Cuba, 2019 12 Apr 2019

habits #

How To Take Back Your Attention On The Internet with uBlock 21 Jan 2018
On Friction 20 Dec 2017
Three Android Apps I Use Every Day (and maybe you'll use them too) 04 Jul 2016
12 Lessons Learned While Publishing Something Every Day for a Month 05 Jun 2016
Give it 30 days 16 May 2016
Tiny Habits take 2 27 Jul 2014
Use an Alarm to Go to Bed 08 Jul 2014
Lifestyle Design (AKA Intentional Habit Building) 03 May 2013
Preparing to adopt a habit 15 Apr 2013

hard things #

How To Take Back Your Attention On The Internet with uBlock 21 Jan 2018
The Power of an Audacious Goal 06 Jul 2014

health #

Use an Alarm to Go to Bed 08 Jul 2014

heuristics #

Limitations of My Own Thinking 05 Nov 2015

home #

What I've learned from cooking in 36 kitchens in the last year 09 May 2016

housing #

The Housing Market Is Absolutely Insane: How To Fix It 23 Feb 2021

housing_affordability #

Things That Are Surprisingly Good For The Cost (AKA How I want to build my tiny house) 11 Mar 2022

how-to #

How to take payments via Stripe on a Static Site 22 Dec 2019
Friends Don't Let Friends Shortrope 17 May 2013
How to be an awesome belayer 12 May 2013

icebreaker #

Winter on Two Pairs of Socks 23 Jul 2014

ideas #

About Roundabouts 05 Mar 2022
Write It Now 05 Oct 2021

information-infrastructure #

Structural Holes and Good Ideas 18 Mar 2021
Driven by Compression Progress 18 Feb 2021

internet #

How to never accidentally click Twitter's "Moments" again (and to block anything else on the internet you don't want to deal with) - with uBlock 13 May 2016

javascript #

Quick Dive into React 29 Oct 2017

jekyll #

Migrating my Jekyll site to Netlify 26 Sep 2021
Build a Personal Website in Jekyll - A Detailed Guide For First-Timers 06 Aug 2020
Switching to Jekyll 15 May 2017

jesus_christ #

The Violence of God and the Hermeneutics of Paul 08 Aug 2021
Ethan Magnass' sermons from Grace Anglican Church in Grove City, PA 14 Dec 2020

jobs #

How To Write A Letter of Recommendation for Yourself 06 Aug 2020
Resources for People with Jobs 21 Jul 2016
Career advice for Millenials. (ugh. I hate this title) 25 May 2016
Upgrade your job 30 Oct 2015
A 40 Hour Work Week 17 Jul 2014
What Do You Do? 07 Jul 2014
Back in the Saddle 20 Mar 2014
Three Ways to Decide What to be When You Grow Up 20 Dec 2012

kettlebells #

Daily Exercise - Russian Kettlebells 09 May 2013

kitchen #

What I've learned from cooking in 36 kitchens in the last year 09 May 2016

knowledge #

Limitations of My Own Thinking 05 Nov 2015

kristi #

Blessed to be Sick 19 Jul 2014

language learning #

Two Things That Are Helping Me (Finally) Learn Spanish 20 Jan 2016

language_learning #

Learning Spanish: Conversation connectors 25 Jan 2016

learning #

Primitive Obsession & Exceptional Values 12 Oct 2018
A Retrospective on Seven Months at Turing 08 Aug 2017
Anki and Memorization with Spaced Repetition Software 06 Jun 2017
On Learning 05 Jun 2017
How to Ask Questions of Experts To Gain More than Just Answers 22 May 2017
Finding an Edge 09 May 2017
On Cleaner Controllers 09 May 2017
A Small Goal is Better than a Grand Plan 21 Oct 2014
Three Ways to Decide What to be When You Grow Up 20 Dec 2012

life #

How to Ask Questions of Experts To Gain More than Just Answers 22 May 2017

limitation #

Limitations of My Own Thinking 05 Nov 2015

linux #

`ls` command to show directory contents 03 Oct 2018

litmus #

Success is not support 03 Jun 2016
An Intro to Customer Success 31 May 2016
About working remotely at Litmus with 16 Mar 2016
What Do You Do? 07 Jul 2014
Back in the Saddle 20 Mar 2014

local_government #

Josh Thompson presentation to Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 29 Mar 2021
Streets in Asheville 11 Feb 2017
Wrapping my head around local politics 001 24 Aug 2016

marriage #

Be Gentle to You 20 Jul 2014

mental_health #

Depression 28 Jul 2021

meta #

Write Less Say More 06 Jul 2016

metaprogramming #

Blocks and Closures in Ruby 26 Sep 2017
Metaprogramming in Ruby: method_missing 24 Sep 2017

metawork #

Overcome (some) barriers in work with this magic phrase 10 May 2016
A 40 Hour Work Week 17 Jul 2014
Accomplishments and Achievements 02 Jul 2014
Act a Fool, or: Motion vs. Action 16 Mar 2014

minimalism #

How To Take Back Your Attention On The Internet with uBlock 21 Jan 2018
Save hundreds by being willing to spend $20 07 May 2016
On Minimalism 14 Mar 2016
How to Move 27 Mar 2014
Simplify, simplify, simplify 04 Jul 2013

minimum investment #

How to complete a project 01 Jan 2014

minimum viable product #

How to complete a project 01 Jan 2014

misc #

Fred Roger's Method For Writing Scripts 30 Sep 2020
Who inspires you, and is still alive? 24 May 2016
Input metrics vs. Output metrics 17 May 2016

mobility_networks #

About Roundabouts 05 Mar 2022

money #

How Can You Buy Happiness? 07 Jul 2016
Find out how much money you've made (in your entire life) 12 May 2016
Twenties vs. Thirties (from a feeling-behind-the-curve 27 year old.) 08 May 2016
Everything I Do and Think I've Read in a Book (or, exploring the relationship between books and money) 31 Mar 2016
On Money (again) 18 Feb 2016
Thoughts on Money from 2013 29 Jan 2016

monthly_review #

2016 - Biggest Lesson, Most Dangerous Books 11 Jan 2017
December Review, January Goals 05 Jan 2017
December 2016 Goals 20 Dec 2016
November 2016 Review 14 Dec 2016
November 2016 Goals 09 Nov 2016
October 2016 Review 01 Nov 2016
October 2016 Goals 19 Oct 2016

moom #

Primitive Obsession & Exceptional Values 12 Oct 2018

motion #

Act a Fool, or: Motion vs. Action 16 Mar 2014

moving #

Corollas and U-Hauls 05 Jul 2014
Change 30 Jun 2014

mysql #

Troubleshooting Chinese Character Sets in MySQL 21 Apr 2019
MySQL concatenation and casting 13 Jan 2018

mythical_creatures #

`Medusa` mythical creature: part 1 20 Jul 2020
`Medusa` mythical creature: part 2 20 Jul 2020
Refactoring practice: Get rid of `attr_accessors` in `ogre.rb` in 2 minutes 27 Jan 2020
Mythical Creatures: Refactoring wizard.rb 25 Jan 2020

naps #

Habits Take Preparation 03 Jul 2014

notes #

Notes from 'Why We Sleep' 13 Sep 2019
Book Notes: 'Why We Get Fat' by Gary Taube 13 Aug 2019
Book Notes: 'The Case Against Sugar' by Gary Taube 12 Aug 2019

nrg #

June trip to the New River Gorge 03 Jul 2013

nutrition #

Book Notes: 'Why We Get Fat' by Gary Taube 13 Aug 2019
Book Notes: 'The Case Against Sugar' by Gary Taube 12 Aug 2019

organization #

What I've learned from cooking in 36 kitchens in the last year 09 May 2016

parking #

Parking in Golden 22 Aug 2021
Issues related to the city of Golden 26 Jul 2021

payments #

How to take payments via Stripe on a Static Site 22 Dec 2019

people #

Social skills are like any other skills 27 May 2016
What Do You Do? 07 Jul 2014

phoenix #

Elixir/Phoenix part deux 28 Oct 2017
First pass with Elixir/Phoenix 27 Oct 2017

phone_usage #

Anki and Memorization with Spaced Repetition Software 06 Jun 2017
Quitting the shallow for the deep 24 Oct 2016

pizza #

Fry Your Pizza 04 Apr 2014

planning #

$150 Custom-Made Standing Desk 30 Jul 2014
"Cooking" is so much more 12 Jul 2014

podcast #

Ethan Magnass' sermons from Grace Anglican Church in Grove City, PA 14 Dec 2020
My Thoughts on Eric Weinstein's Thoughts on Pia Kalani's Thoughts 06 Aug 2020

programming #

Cultivate the Skill of Undivided Attention, or 'Deep Work' (Crosspost from ``) 20 Aug 2020
How to take payments via Stripe on a Static Site 22 Dec 2019
Aggregate and deduplicate your deprecation warnings in Rails 03 Oct 2019
How I take notes, AKA 'Add an Index to Your Notebook' 04 Sep 2019
Setting up Application Performance Monitoring in DataDog in your Rails App 28 Jul 2019
Load Testing your app with Siege 02 Jul 2019
Benchmarking a page protected by a login with Apache Benchmark 28 Jun 2019
Deliberate Practice in Programming with Avdi Grimm and the Rake gem 21 Jun 2019
Turing Prep Chapter 4: Arrays, Hashes, and Nested Collections 09 Jun 2019
Exploring source code via Griddler and Griddler-Mailgun 31 May 2019
Turing Prep Chapter 3: Moar Mythical Creatures 31 May 2019
Turing Prep appendix: Troubleshooting Errors 19 May 2019
Turing Prep Chapter 2: Run your first tests (and make them pass) 19 May 2019
Turing Prep Chapter 1: Make Mod 1 Easier Than It Otherwise Would Be 09 May 2019
VCR's debug_logger and `git diff` 19 Apr 2019
Some Lessons Learned While Preparing for Two Technical Talks 19 Mar 2019
HTTParty and to_json 12 Mar 2019
Pry-ing into a Stack Trace 22 Feb 2019
The Complete Guide to Rails Performance: basic setup 29 Nov 2018
Pry Tips and Tricks 07 May 2018
MacOS: Keyboard Shortcut to Toggle Bookmarks Bar in Firefox 15 Feb 2018
Boulder Ruby Group meetup notes 10 Feb 2018
MySQL concatenation and casting 13 Jan 2018
Setting up for 'SQL Queries for Mere Mortals' 22 Dec 2017
Quick Dive into React 29 Oct 2017
Elixir/Phoenix part deux 28 Oct 2017
First pass with Elixir/Phoenix 27 Oct 2017
Blocks and Closures in Ruby 26 Sep 2017
Metaprogramming in Ruby: method_missing 24 Sep 2017
The How and Why of BlockValue 14 Sep 2017
A Retrospective on Seven Months at Turing 08 Aug 2017
Anki and Memorization with Spaced Repetition Software 06 Jun 2017
On Learning 05 Jun 2017
Workflow for developers (AKA My current tools) 29 May 2017
Finding an Edge 09 May 2017
On Cleaner Controllers 09 May 2017
Tour of D3 for Clueless Folk Like Me 19 Apr 2017
Typing for Programmers 11 Dec 2016
October 2016 Review 01 Nov 2016
October 2016 Goals 19 Oct 2016
Ruby Tutorial 001 23 Jun 2016

public_speaking #

RailsConf Presentation: 'Junior' Developers are a Solution to Many of your Problems 21 May 2021
RailsConf CFP Outline 27 Mar 2021
Some Lessons Learned While Preparing for Two Technical Talks 19 Mar 2019
Denver.rb meetup notes 12 Feb 2018
Boulder Ruby Group meetup notes 10 Feb 2018
The Power of an Audacious Goal 06 Jul 2014

racism #

Full Copy of 'The Atlanta Zone Plan' from 1922 17 Aug 2020

rails #

RailsConf Presentation: 'Junior' Developers are a Solution to Many of your Problems 21 May 2021
How to Run Your Rails App in Profiling Mode 29 Jul 2019
Setting up Application Performance Monitoring in DataDog in your Rails App 28 Jul 2019
Load Testing your app with Siege 02 Jul 2019
Benchmarking a page protected by a login with Apache Benchmark 28 Jun 2019
Exploring source code via Griddler and Griddler-Mailgun 31 May 2019
Troubleshooting Chinese Character Sets in MySQL 21 Apr 2019
HTTParty and to_json 12 Mar 2019
Pry-ing into a Stack Trace 22 Feb 2019
How To Procfile: Run Just a Single Process 21 Feb 2019
The Complete Guide to Rails Performance: basic setup 29 Nov 2018
Primitive Obsession & Exceptional Values 12 Oct 2018
Rails Migration: When you can't add a uniqueness constraint because you already have duplicates 28 Sep 2018
Sidekiq and Background Jobs for Beginners 30 Jul 2018
Mocks & Stubs & Exceptions in Ruby 26 May 2018
Pry Tips and Tricks 07 May 2018
Boulder Ruby Group meetup notes 10 Feb 2018
Testing Rake Tasks in Rails 08 Feb 2018
Array divergence in Ruby 02 Feb 2018
On Cleaner Controllers 09 May 2017
Ruby Tutorial 001 23 Jun 2016

rails_performance #

How to Run Your Rails App in Profiling Mode 29 Jul 2019
Setting up Application Performance Monitoring in DataDog in your Rails App 28 Jul 2019
Load Testing your app with Siege 02 Jul 2019
Benchmarking a page protected by a login with Apache Benchmark 28 Jun 2019
The Complete Guide to Rails Performance: basic setup 29 Nov 2018
Boulder Ruby Group meetup notes 10 Feb 2018

rails_upgrades #

Aggregate and deduplicate your deprecation warnings in Rails 03 Oct 2019

ramit sethi #

Upgrade your job 30 Oct 2015

random #

Constraints 21 May 2016
Cheap fix to night-time teeth grinding 15 May 2016

razoo #

Back in the Saddle 20 Mar 2014

react #

Quick Dive into React 29 Oct 2017

reading #

2018 Reading Review & Recommendations 25 Feb 2019
Recommended Reading 17 May 2018
Recommended books from 2017 15 Jan 2018
Quitting the shallow for the deep 24 Oct 2016
No New Books 22 May 2016
Everything I Do and Think I've Read in a Book (or, exploring the relationship between books and money) 31 Mar 2016

refactoring #

`Medusa` mythical creature: part 1 20 Jul 2020
`Medusa` mythical creature: part 2 20 Jul 2020
Refactoring practice: Get rid of `attr_accessors` in `ogre.rb` in 2 minutes 27 Jan 2020
Mythical Creatures: Refactoring wizard.rb 25 Jan 2020

refurbished #

$150 Custom-Made Standing Desk 30 Jul 2014

relationships #

Social skills are like any other skills 27 May 2016
My all-time favorite question to ask people (and why you should ask it too) 14 May 2016
Your "Community" Should Not Be Local 06 Oct 2014
Benefits of helplessness 23 Jul 2014

remote_work #

Job Hunting Recommendations for Early-Career Software Developers 26 Feb 2019
Whole Messages in Slack 20 Feb 2019
Workflow for developers (AKA My current tools) 29 May 2017
About working remotely at Litmus with 16 Mar 2016
So you want to work remotely... 21 Sep 2015
How to Move 27 Mar 2014

resume #

Three Ways to Decide What to be When You Grow Up 20 Dec 2012

ruby #

Build a Personal Website in Jekyll - A Detailed Guide For First-Timers 06 Aug 2020
`Medusa` mythical creature: part 1 20 Jul 2020
`Medusa` mythical creature: part 2 20 Jul 2020
Refactoring practice: Get rid of `attr_accessors` in `ogre.rb` in 2 minutes 27 Jan 2020
Mythical Creatures: Refactoring wizard.rb 25 Jan 2020
POODR Notes: Acquiring Behavior Through Inheritance (Chapter 6) 28 Nov 2019
LeetCode: Words From Characters, and Benchmarking Solutions 23 Aug 2019
Exploring source code via Griddler and Griddler-Mailgun 31 May 2019
Primitive Obsession & Exceptional Values 12 Oct 2018
Sidekiq and Background Jobs for Beginners 30 Jul 2018
Mocks & Stubs & Exceptions in Ruby 26 May 2018
Pry Tips and Tricks 07 May 2018
Testing Rake Tasks in Rails 08 Feb 2018
Array divergence in Ruby 02 Feb 2018
Blocks and Closures in Ruby 26 Sep 2017
Metaprogramming in Ruby: method_missing 24 Sep 2017
On Cleaner Controllers 09 May 2017
Playing with the HTTP send/response cycle in Ruby, without Faraday ("HTTP Yeah You Know Me" project) 07 Apr 2017
Ruby Tutorial 001 23 Jun 2016

saving #

Find out how much money you've made (in your entire life) 12 May 2016
Everything I Do and Think I've Read in a Book (or, exploring the relationship between books and money) 31 Mar 2016

scraps #

Be a little better at personal email 06 May 2016

seat upgrades #

How to fly… like a boss 07 Oct 2013

self-education #

A little bit of slope makes up for a lot of y-intercept 26 Jun 2015
Taking the Plunge with Colemak 25 Jul 2014
Learn to Type - Again 16 Jul 2014
A Five-Hour Experiment 09 Jul 2014

sermons #

Ethan Magnass' sermons from Grace Anglican Church in Grove City, PA 14 Dec 2020

shannon #

Driven by Compression Progress 18 Feb 2021

shell_scripts #

Change your MAC address with a shell script 18 Dec 2019

sick #

Benefits of helplessness 23 Jul 2014
Blessed to be Sick 19 Jul 2014

sickness #

Blessed to be Sick 19 Jul 2014

side_projects #

The How and Why of BlockValue 14 Sep 2017

sidekiq #

Sidekiq and Background Jobs for Beginners 30 Jul 2018

sleep #

Use an Alarm to Go to Bed 08 Jul 2014
Habits Take Preparation 03 Jul 2014
How to Wake Up Early 07 May 2013
Becoming an Early Riser 22 Apr 2013

socks #

Winter on Two Pairs of Socks 23 Jul 2014

software #

Two Critical Books and Two Critical Articles (For 'Software People') 26 Jan 2021

software development #

Growing in your first software development job 28 Nov 2018

software_development #

RailsConf Presentation: 'Junior' Developers are a Solution to Many of your Problems 21 May 2021
RailsConf CFP Outline 27 Mar 2021

spanish #

Learning Spanish: Conversation connectors 25 Jan 2016
Two Things That Are Helping Me (Finally) Learn Spanish 20 Jan 2016

sql #

Rails Migration: When you can't add a uniqueness constraint because you already have duplicates 28 Sep 2018
MySQL concatenation and casting 13 Jan 2018
Setting up for 'SQL Queries for Mere Mortals' 22 Dec 2017

srs #

Two Things That Are Helping Me (Finally) Learn Spanish 20 Jan 2016

streetcars #

Bootstrapping streetcars in Golden 10 Mar 2022

stuff #

Simplify, simplify, simplify 04 Jul 2013

systems #

Processes Vs. Goals (or, Systems vs. Accomplishments) 14 Nov 2013

taking action #

Benefits of helplessness 23 Jul 2014
Act a Fool, or: Motion vs. Action 16 Mar 2014

terminal #

`ls` command to show directory contents 03 Oct 2018

terminal-setup #

My terminal setup 26 Dec 2017

testing #

Mocks & Stubs & Exceptions in Ruby 26 May 2018
Testing Rake Tasks in Rails 08 Feb 2018

the future #

The Present You 12 Jul 2014

the gospel #

Be Gentle to You 20 Jul 2014

til #

Write It Now 05 Oct 2021

tools #

How To Procfile: Run Just a Single Process 21 Feb 2019
Whole Messages in Slack 20 Feb 2019
Workflow for developers (AKA My current tools) 29 May 2017
About working remotely at Litmus with 16 Mar 2016

traffic #

Issues related to the city of Golden 26 Jul 2021

training #

June trip to the New River Gorge 03 Jul 2013
Daily Exercise - Russian Kettlebells 09 May 2013
Habits, Milestones, and Climbing 01 May 2013
Preparing to adopt a habit 15 Apr 2013

travel #

Five Lessons Learned in Buenos Aires 05 Jul 2016
62 lessons learned after one year of full-time travel 30 May 2016
What I've learned from cooking in 36 kitchens in the last year 09 May 2016
Save hundreds by being willing to spend $20 07 May 2016
About working remotely at Litmus with 16 Mar 2016

travel hacking #

Travel somewhere fun. But first get on Scott's email list 18 May 2016
How to fly… like a boss 07 Oct 2013

trip_review #

Climbing in Cuba, 2019 12 Apr 2019

trust #

Limitations of My Own Thinking 05 Nov 2015

turing #

Build a Personal Website in Jekyll - A Detailed Guide For First-Timers 06 Aug 2020
`Medusa` mythical creature: part 1 20 Jul 2020
`Medusa` mythical creature: part 2 20 Jul 2020
Refactoring practice: Get rid of `attr_accessors` in `ogre.rb` in 2 minutes 27 Jan 2020
Mythical Creatures: Refactoring wizard.rb 25 Jan 2020
How I take notes, AKA 'Add an Index to Your Notebook' 04 Sep 2019
Turing Prep Chapter 4: Arrays, Hashes, and Nested Collections 09 Jun 2019
Turing Prep Chapter 3: Moar Mythical Creatures 31 May 2019
Turing Prep appendix: Troubleshooting Errors 19 May 2019
Turing Prep Chapter 2: Run your first tests (and make them pass) 19 May 2019
Turing Prep Chapter 1: Make Mod 1 Easier Than It Otherwise Would Be 09 May 2019
A Retrospective on Seven Months at Turing 08 Aug 2017
Anki and Memorization with Spaced Repetition Software 06 Jun 2017
On Learning 05 Jun 2017
How to Ask Questions of Experts To Gain More than Just Answers 22 May 2017
Finding an Edge 09 May 2017
On Cleaner Controllers 09 May 2017
Tour of D3 for Clueless Folk Like Me 19 Apr 2017
Playing with the HTTP send/response cycle in Ruby, without Faraday ("HTTP Yeah You Know Me" project) 07 Apr 2017

typing #

Typing for Programmers 11 Dec 2016
Taking the Plunge with Colemak 25 Jul 2014
STOP YELLING ON THE INTERNET, or, A Better Use for the Caps Lock Key 16 Jul 2014

urban_mobility #

Parking in Golden 22 Aug 2021

urbanism #

Things That Are Surprisingly Good For The Cost (AKA How I want to build my tiny house) 11 Mar 2022
Bootstrapping streetcars in Golden 10 Mar 2022
Fixing Ford and Washington 09 Mar 2022
A New Old Financial Product 06 Mar 2022
Parking in Golden 22 Aug 2021
Issues related to the city of Golden 26 Jul 2021
Streets in Asheville 11 Feb 2017
Wrapping my head around local politics 001 24 Aug 2016

useful-concept #

Write It Now 05 Oct 2021

waking up early #

How to Wake Up Early 07 May 2013
Becoming an Early Riser 22 Apr 2013

weakness #

Benefits of helplessness 23 Jul 2014

wife #

Rules for Fighting Fair 18 Jul 2013

willpower #

How To Take Back Your Attention On The Internet with uBlock 21 Jan 2018
Becoming an Early Riser 22 Apr 2013

wombat_security #

Pry Tips and Tricks 07 May 2018

work #

Success is not support 03 Jun 2016
An Intro to Customer Success 31 May 2016

work-life balance #

Be Gentle to You 20 Jul 2014
A 40 Hour Work Week 17 Jul 2014
Accomplishments and Achievements 02 Jul 2014
Back in the Saddle 20 Mar 2014

working_remotely #

Falling into Place 25 Mar 2014

writing #

Write Less Say More 06 Jul 2016
12 Lessons Learned While Publishing Something Every Day for a Month 05 Jun 2016
Type. Publish. Done. 22 Jul 2015

zoning #

Collateralizing Mortgages and Loans With the Present Value of Rent Flow 02 Oct 2021
Planned Unit Design Document (work-in-progress) 01 Oct 2021
The Housing Market Is Absolutely Insane: How To Fix It 23 Feb 2021
Full Copy of 'The Atlanta Zone Plan' from 1922 17 Aug 2020
Streets in Asheville 11 Feb 2017

zsh #

My terminal setup 26 Dec 2017